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Updated: 2024-03-31

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Saturday, December 2, 2023

Eating with family.

Eating with family.

Eating with family.

Eating with family.

Eating with family.

Eating with family.

We slept with the family in Lat Krabang.

Moue has to go away with Kan today, to some kind of football inspection. And then they continue to Suphanburi to pick up Naam Waan, because tomorrow she will also go to Haad Chao Lao.
Whether we want to take (and pick up) Focus to piano lessons with the old Toyota and then continue to the house of Lek's daughter Ann where we will have dinner tonight. Pia has promised to provide beer.
We'll take care of Focus.

When we drop Focus off at a Tops supermarket, we immediately want to buy beer there. But that is canceled, the store is too close to a school and alcohol is not allowed to be sold. But, says the staff in the store, there is a supermarket further away and there is beer for sale, but not, too close to another school.
In the end we drive back and buy beer at the 7/11 at the beginning of Soi 7 and then we go back to the place where we will wait for Focus.
We are hungry and eat something Korean, it tastes okay but we won't eat there again anytime soon. When Focus comes back from piano lessons she also wants to eat, and she eats much, much more than at home.

At Lek, in her daughter Ann's house, they are working hard on the food. A real effort has been made, there is a lot of seafood.
Cartoon also comes along, together with her niece and our great-niece Am. Cartoon will also come along tomorrow.
Finally, Moue also comes, but without Name Waan, he will come tomorrow by bus. A typical Thai arrangement, it's not right.
Kan is a little sick.

Written on: 2023-12-04


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